Hi, I'm Omer

More about me

I'm in my final year of the Computer Science Honours Bachelor's Degree at Carleton University in Ottawa, Ontario.

While I am busy studying, I also love to contribute to the open source world and build new projects just to tickle my brain


  • Python
  • C
  • C++
  • JavaScript
  • JAVA
  • React
  • NodeJs
  • MongoDB
  • TensorFlow
  • SQL
  • Git

Some of my past projects

Comfort Cycle

Web-based application that enables users to select a starting and ending point on a map, and obtain the shortest bike route between them. Utilize Dijkstra's algorithm to traverse the graph and find the shortest path based on the user's selected points.

Github Link
Link to Writeup
Charity Base

Built a Web-App that provides public information on the activities, locations and finances of the 74,000 charities registered in Canada

Github Link
Restaurant Manager

Designed a RESTful API in Node.JS to add session support to the application so that users may log in, place orders, and view a history of their orders

Github Link
Home Surveillance System

Deployed an Object-Detection program that runs on a Raspberry-Pi and notifies users of unrecognized personnel via sms using the Twillio library in Python. Trained a TensorFlow model to detect known and unknown faces and implement the object detection application

Github Link
Activity Timer

Developed an application using Python that runs in the background and records (in real time) the time spent on a website/application by a user

Github Link